Commencement Speeches

Ever since 1987, THI has been dedicated to preserving the wisdom, inspiration, humor and uninhibited humanity of each spring's most empowering commencement speeches.

Once you finish reading or listening to your first speaker, we well suspect you will become quickly engaged with the rest of these enduringly thoughtful, fun and generous voices.

For they remain inspiring no matter your age -- as every year all of us "graduate" into new tomorrows, new challenges...especially as we consider personal pathways along the exciting horizons of positive change.

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The Humanity Initiative

We urgently need a more profound commitment to working together, with respect and imagination, with kindness and love.

In this online oasis, The Humanity Initiative offers clarity and insight on our most crucial challenges, providing compelling inspiration for each of us to join in fostering a resurgent new voice of humanity.

We do so with the aid of almost 300 brilliant women and men from across the ages and the continents -- cross-referencing their diverse contributions specifically to help in your search for the best way to take action, to discover or re-imagine your personal path into positive change.

The Humanity Initiative is a registered non-profit. We rely on your support to continue our mission of reawakening mankind to its better angels.